For the substance in the molten ammonium nitrate making crushed limestone or dolomite. Thereafter, the resulting mixture was granulated. Granule diameter is 1 – 5 mm. Due to the increased size of the granules and their strength of calcium ammonium nitrate mixes well with other fertilizers.
Calcium ammonium nitrate, or as it is called for short, IAS is an effective fertilizer that exceeds the physical properties of ammonium nitrate, as it does not absorb moisture or explosion hazard. So not store it in piles.
The composition includes 2% IAS magnesium, 4% calcium and 27% nitrogen. Thanks to this combination of limestone ammonium nitrate has complex effects on plants.
Indeed, nitrogen is a major component of amino acids, proteins, chlorophyll, hormones and many other biological active compounds. Magnesium is also part of the chlorophyll, taking part in photosynthesis. In addition, it activates the enzymes which are responsible for absorption and uptake of phosphorus by plants. With a deficit of magnesium is slowing down and stopping the growth of plants.
Calcium is responsible for the movement of carbohydrates and increase the solubility of many nutrients in the soil, thus contributing to improve their absorption by plants.
From the calcium and magnesium dependent cell wall strength and adhesion, growth and allowing development of the root system. Symptoms of calcium deficiency is the appearance of the upper leaves whitish and their loss of turgor.
Calcium ammonium nitrate is used as a fertilizer complex. She, like the other nitrogen fertilizers, has the versatility of application, without losing their quality on all types of soil and in any climate. However, the best results, due to calcium and magnesium carbonates, brings its application on alkaline and acidic soils, as well as on light soils with low magnesium content. It is used for food and feeding of grains and oilseeds, vegetables and sugar beet. IAS provides a build-up of green mass, and increasing productivity.
In making calcium ammonium nitrate, throw it on the surface and then sealed it in the soil. However, sometimes the seal is not made. Vegetable crops fertilizer applied in a band manner. When sowing IAS introduced into the wells at a rate of 7 to 15 kg per hectare.
Under IAS spring grain is brought in before sowing fertilizer, which is produced twice. In the first feeding is performed on the basis of norms of 10-30 kg per hectare, the second time – 15-40 kg per hectare. At the same time feeding prescribed depending on the phases of plant development.
The application rate under IAS silage crops ranges from 40 to 50 kg per hectare. Since in this case is brought together with the IAS organic fertilizer, the rate depends on their quantity.
For sunflower ammonium nitrate lime is introduced as a top dressing to improve the content of protein in it. The norm is 30 kg per hectare.
According to research the application of IAS gives an average yield increase for wheat – 3.3 -7.1 kg / ha for spring barley – 2.5 – 3.7 t / ha for corn silage – 28 – 63 t / hectares. As well there is an increase of gluten content by an average of 2.5%. The quality of the gluten is higher than with other nitrogen fertilizers